Food vendor licence

We have combined our annual market stall, temporary food stall and food van licence into a single annual licence. If you intend on trading at a market or event in the Inner West, you will need to submit an application. 

If you have any questions about this, please use the contact details at the bottom of this page to reach out to us.

Anyone who wishes to operate a food market stall, temporary food stall or food van within the Inner West Council area must register with Council through our food vendor licence application.

One licence per stall - once your application has been approved you will be able to trade at any market or event in the Inner West, with permission from the market or event organiser.

This approval is for vendors who wish to participate in markets or events. Please note: it does not give you permission to trade anywhere in the LGA.  

See below for circumstances that do not require a licence.

Application process

Please note: applications must be submitted at least five working days prior to trading at any market or event.

1. Register

You will need to be registered in order to submit your application.

Online portal registration

2. Gather your information

  • Copy of your food safety supervisor (FSS) certificate.
     - If you do not have this certificate, you can get one by completing FSS training with an approved training organisation.
  • Copy of your insurance policy. The insurance policy must include the following information:
     - Show a current expiry date (the policy must not expire prior to the end of the current financial year period);
     - Inner West Council must be nominated as an interested party;
     - Public liability must be valued at $20 million; and
     - Product liability must be valued at $20 million.
  • Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN), if you have one.

3. Fill in the application form in the online portal

You can access the new form by:

  1. Logging into the online portal.
  2. In the bottom right-hand corner of your home screen, click on "Other Applications".
  3. Opening the "Food Vendor Licence" application.

4. Pay application fee 

The annual fee is $220.00 if paid on 1 July and then subsequently pro rata monthly from the date of your application.

After you finish

  • Your application will be reviewed by our team to ensure all the information is correct. If it's not, we will reach out for further information.
  • Once approved, you will receive an approval letter.
  • You must keep a record of the approval letter with you when you are trading at any market or event in the local area.

When do you need to renew your licence?

Your approval will expire at the end of the financial year. In order to continue trading, you will need to submit a new food vendor licence application.

Food vendors not requiring a licence

Food vendors selling food for charitable causes or fundraising for a community event are not required to complete a food vendor licence application. 

Examples of vendors not requiring a licence include:

  • a free sausage sizzle for a sporting club or community group
  • providing food for the homeless or those sleeping rough
  • cooking demonstration at a school fete.

Also, if you wish to operate a food stall or van outside of a market or event, please fill-in this form and submit it in our online portal as a Building Certification request. Note - permits will not be approved in close proximity of Council Parks.

Food safety requirements

Read Guidelines for food businesses at temporary events for further information about minimum requirements for the operation of stalls in the Inner West Council area. 

If you have an enquiry about food vendor licences, please call our Regulatory Support team on 02 9392 5060 or submit an enquiry in our online portal.

Make a food vendor licence enquiry

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Page last updated: 22 Oct 2024