Council youth initiatives win at Local Government Week Awards

Friday 5 August 2022

Inner West Council’s Youth Week festival won Most Inclusive Youth Week Program at last night’s Local Government Week Awards.

The diverse and accessible program of events included LGBTIQA+ Queer Prom, intergenerational drumming, poolside movie night, climate change forum, skate workshop, youth-led library program, outdoor scavenger hunt and the FUTUREPROOF music festival.

The wide-ranging festival was a collaboration of Council with:

Midjuburi Youth Centre
Youth off the Streets
PCYC – Marrickville
Bill Crews Foundation
Deadly Connections
LGBTIQA+ Working Group
NFP Vision Works
Hawanatu Creative Designs
Inner West Council Young Leaders Working Group

Inner West Library’s Young Creatives project was highly commended in the Innovation in Special Events category.

Since small beginnings - 38 entries in 2018 to 171 last year – the Young Creatives Awards provide opportunities for the winners:

•Eszter Coombs was approached by a literary agent after reading her YC Awards entry, Blood Sausages

•Lily Cameron was featured in the Saturday Sydney Morning Herald’s On My Mind column

•Five 2020 winners ran specialised Inner West library programs for their peers

•Augustine Flett was engaged to photograph 2021 Youth Week activities

•Bridget Staal designed Youth Week 2022 artwork

•The 2021 winners are running peer-to-peer workshops for young people in Council’s libraries

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath, Media and Communications Coordinator, 9392 5334 or

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Page last updated: 08 Aug 2022