Alex Trevallion Plaza upgrade complete

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Inner West Council’s $1,250,000 upgrade of Alex Trevallion Plaza is now complete.

The upgrade is based on a major element of the Marrickville Town Centre Public Domain Master Plan.

“Alex Trevallion Plaza is looking magnificent after this major upgrade,” said Inner West Mayor Rochelle Porteous.

“We’ve created an urban grove of deciduous and indigenous shade trees, and an uncluttered central space with café seating areas.

“There’s also shelter at the southern edge of the plaza which provides shaded seating in summer and is beautifully sunny in winter.

“We’re also included a possible space for performances, which could be fantastic for our outdoor post-lockdown life,” said Mayor Porteous.

The final design includes:

• New bluestone and granite paving
• More seating
• Replacing the shelter
• New ramp access and dining platform adjacent to Post Office
• New landscaped garden beds with passive irrigation and replacing trees with native shade trees in the beds
• Upgrading lighting and providing decorative LED lighting
• Installing a totem and signs with historic information
• Relocating bins, meters, drainage pits and pipes

The upgraded Plaza will also feature a laneway artwork that celebrates Marrickville’s Greek heritage.

Hestia’s Migration by Ox King will be installed from Monday 27 October.

“In the heart of ‘Little Greece’, my artwork depicts the ancient goddess Hestia, transposed within the modern Australian context of the Greek migrant story,” he said.

The work also pays tribute to Marrickville’s rich history of clay, brickworks and pottery.

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For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath, Media and Communications Coordinator, 9392 5334 or

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Page last updated: 22 Sep 2021