16 Days of Activism in the Inner West

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Inner West Council will once again support the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism to prevent gender-based violence through a series of workshops and events.

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign beginning on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and finishing on 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne said that Council took a strong stance against violence in any form.

“We’re training our young people be the generation that eliminates domestic and family violence from our community,” he said.

“Council has partnered with many local organisations addressing Domestic and Family Violence, such as Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre, National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Burwood, Leichhardt and Inner West Police Area Commands.

“We have initiated a range of programs to instil an ethos of respectful relationships, including the Speak Out Awareness Raising Campaign, Love Bites, the Inner West Respectful Relationship Project and White Ribbon Day.

“16 Days of Activism is a fitting addition to Council’s calendar.”

This year, the 16 Days of Activism program is:

Navigating through the sector and supporting a client, 26 November:

A workshop for service providers on supporting clients who are impacted by domestic violence. In partnership with Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.

Interagency Forum Working Across the Sector, 2 December:

A forum for interagency groups/committees to be informed about the impact of domestic violence and any challenges impacting services

Respect and Young People, 5 December:

A forum engaging high school students across the Inner West on respectful relationships and consult around some of the issues impacting them.

Follow My Lead: Upholding the Dignity of the Client, 9 December:

A workshop to inform and prepare practitioners on how to ensure clients are actively supported and to build on their safety. In partnership with Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.

16 Days of Activism is just one of a number of Council initiatives and campaigns to address domestic and family violence, including:

Speak out is a grassroots campaign to raise community awareness about how to prevent family violence and abuse of children.

Love Bites is a interactive and innovative school-based domestic, family and relationship violence and sexual assault prevention education program aimed at young people aged 14 - 16 years.

Respectful Relationships project which creates generational change to end domestic and family violence in our community by providing respectful relationships education.

For media enquiries, Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator 9392 5334 | E: Elizabeth.Heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au


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