AKAC makes a splash – named Aquatic Facility of the Year
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Inner West Council’s Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre (AKAC) has been named the Aquatic and Recreation Institute (ARI) NSW Facility of the Year.
The Annual Aquatic and Recreation Institute Facility of the Year Award is the industry’s highest accolade.
The award was announced at the ARI NSW conference in late June.
AKAC is managed by Belgravia Leisure on behalf of Inner West Council. The centre welcomes in excess of 430,000 visitors a year.
Since opening in 2010, AKAC has received a five-star safety accreditation, and was recognised for best-practice water quality protocols.
The centre is one of the most ecologically sustainable aquatic centres in Australia and has been acknowledged by NSW Health for a commitment to the health and welfare of the community.
AKAC’s facilities include a fully equipped gym (Wellness Centre), indoor 50 metre pool, learn to swim pool, splash pool with water features and crèche.
Belgravia Leisure CEO Nick Cox said both Council and centre staff worked hard to ensure that the facility was meeting community needs and expectations, actively implementing policies such as Council’s Inclusion Action Plan, and working with special needs groups such as refugees.

“The team at Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre is passionate in serving the Inner West community,” he said.
“We are honoured to accept the prestigious 54th annual ARI Award for NSW Facility of the Year, after a year of hard work. We are very proud that our partnership with Inner West Council has connected the community to this first-class recreational facility and leisure experience,” Mr Cox said.
AKAC also has a successful Swim School. The AKAC Squad program includes athletes that range from Junior to Multiclass and Masters with several athletes competing at area, state and national level.
For an interview about the award or a print quality image of AKAC, contact Council’s Communication team.