Improving cycling in the inner west

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Inner West Council is improving the bicycle route on Lilyfield Road to make it safer, and more convenient and enjoyable for people of all ages and cycling abilities.

Lilyfield Road is an important regional route which connects people to the Cooks River, Bay Run, Victoria Road, ANZAC Bridge and further away destinations including Newtown and Sydney CBD.

The project is funded by the NSW Government. Along with making it safer and easier to ride a bike, it will improve the streetscape with landscaping, additional trees and reduced traffic speed.

The community is now being asked to comment on the revised draft concept plan, which was developed in consultation with the local community, Sydney Buses, Transport for NSW and Roads & Maritime Services.

Everyone’s invited to have a say on the draft plan by visiting Council Your Say page and using an interactive map, and completing a feedback form.

There is also a frequently asked question page which addresses for example parking, among other possible subjects like making it safer and easier to ride a bike.

Council is also holding two ‘drop-in’ information sessions at Orange Grove Public School Hall in Lilyfield, on Saturday 9 December and Tuesday 12 December.

The last day to provide feedback is Friday 2 February 2018.

Lilyfield Road bike route revised draft concept plan drop-in information sessions:

Orange Grove Public School Hall, 31 Perry Street Lilyfield

  • Saturday 9 December, from 10am - 1pm
  • Tuesday 12 December, from 6 - 9pm 

RSVP by phoning 1800 810 680 or emailing

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