School Holiday activities for children and teens

Inner West Council has an extensive calendar of (mostly free) events to keep the kids and teens busy these school holidays. Some activities are already booking out. Adult supervision is required for those aged 10 years and under. Book at unless otherwise indicated.

Laser tag and gaming 12 – 18 years
Two games of laser tag followed by one hour of gaming at Kingpin Darling Harbour. Bring lunch or money to buy lunch at Harbourside. Meet at Leichhardt Town Hall to catch the Council bus at 10.30am. Cost: $20. 10:30am – 2:30pm. Register
Wednesday 4 January

Theatre Sports 7 - 12 years
Fractured Fairytales—The Bad Guys vs The Good Guys. Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 2pm
Thursday 5 January

Allsorts 5-12 years
Paint your favourite Hero or Villain. Balmain Library, 370 Darling Street Balmain, 3.45pm
Thursday 5 January

Ice skating (after dark) 12 – 18 years
Two hours of ice skating at Ice Zoo Ice Rink Alexandria. Wear long socks and warm clothing. Bring dinner or money to buy dinner. 6pm – 10:30pm. Meet at Leichhardt Town Hall to catch the Council bus at 6pm. Cost: $15. Register
Friday 6 January

Crime Zines 9 – 12 years
Make your own small magazine (zine) digitally. Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 2pm
Monday 9 January

CD Animals 7 – 10 years
Kids can create animal artworks out of recycled CDs. Ashfield Library, 260 Liverpool Road Ashfield, 10am – 10:45am, free
Tuesday 10 January.

Great Beginnings: Literature scavenger hunt 7 – 12 years
Cool prizes for whoever finds the right books! Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt
Tuesday 10 January

Hip Hop yoga 12 – 18 years
Learn the basics of Hip Hop in a creative workshop, including dance moves with elements of basic gymnastics and yoga. Wear comfortable clothing. Leichhardt Town Hall, 107 Norton Street Leichhardt, 10:30am – 12:30pm. Register
Tuesday 10 January

CD Animals 7 – 10 years
Kids can create animal artworks out of recycled CDs. Haberfield Library 78 Dalhousie Street Haberfield, 12pm – 12.45pm, free
Tuesday 10 January
Reading together with Duncan Ball & Deborah Abela School aged
Meet Duncan Ball the creator of Selby & Emily Eyefinger, and Deb Abela who created the famous Max Remy and Jasper Zammit. Read favourite books with them and discover how they craft their stories. Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 1pm
Wednesday 11 January

Spelling bee with Deborah Abela 7 - 12 years
How is your spelling? Are you good enough to be part of the Spelling Bee:? The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee is a new publication by Deb Abela
Register and win some prizes. Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 2pm
Wednesday 11 January

Laser tag and gaming 12 – 18 years
Two games of laser tag followed by one hour of gaming at Kingpin Darling Harbour. Meet at Leichhardt Town Hall to catch the Council bus at 10:30am. Bring lunch or money to buy lunch. 10:30am – 2:30pm. Cost: $20. Register
Wednesday 11 January

Under Construction 5 – 12 years
Join in the fun of creating Lego together. Balmain Library, 370 Darling Street Balmain, 3.45pm
Thursday 12 January

Mystery movie 12 – 18 years
A mystery movie at Hoyts Cinemas, Broadway (rating TBC). Meet at Hoyts Cinemas, Broadway Shopping Centre at 1pm. Bring lunch or money to buy lunch. Start and finish times are subject to change (depending on cinema session times). 1pm – 4pm. Free. Register
Thursday 12 January

Superhero badge making workshop 7 – 12 years
Design a superhero emblem, catch phase, word-bubble or comic graphic, to create their own badge. Using the libraries super-powered badge maker, participants will go from ordinary kid, to a super-cool, super-accessorised superhero. St Peters/Sydenham Library, 11am-12pm
Friday 13 January

Indoor rockclimbing (after dark) 12 – 18 years
Indoor rock climbing at Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, St Peters. Wear comfortable clothing and enclosed shoes. Meet at Leichhardt Town Hall to catch the Council bus at 5:30pm. Dinner provided. Cost: $20, 5:30pm – 9:30pm. Register
Friday 13 January

Reading together with Pamela Freeman & other well-known children’s authors School aged
Pamela Freeman, award winning Australian author (The Willow Tree’s Daughter, Scum of the earth and Pole to Pole ) will read with children to discover the magic of literature. Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 1pm
Monday 16 January

Heroes & Villains craft challenge 5 – 12 years
Are you a superhero in disguise? Are you ready to test your skills and discover your powers? Fly, bound or teleport to take part in creating an awesome mask, shield and anything else the modern superhero needs. Complete the skills challenge and show how truly super you are! St Peters/Sydenham Library, 11am – 12pm
Monday 16 January

Great Beginnings: Literature scavenger hunt 7-12 years
Cool prizes for whoever finds the right books! Balmain Library, 370 Darling Street Balmain, 1pm
Tuesday 17 January

Superhero Zines 5 – 8 years
Handmade Zines. Fun Zines making with bits and bobs, Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 2pm
Tuesday 17 January

Superhero badge making workshop 7 – 12 years
Participants can design their own superhero emblem, catch phase, word-bubble or comic graphic, to create their own badge. Using the libraries super-powered badge maker, participants will go from ordinary kid, to a super-cool, super-accessorised superhero. Stanmore Library, 2pm – 3pm
Tuesday 17 January

Girls day in 12 – 18 years
Make up and skincare workshop presented by project shine. Lunch provided. Leichhardt Town Hall, 107 Norton Street Leichhardt, 10:30am – 1pm, free. Register
Tuesday 17 January

Bubbling Bathbombs 7 – 12 years
Use non-toxic ingredients to create your own fizzy bombs to take home. Haberfield Library 78 Dalhousie Street Haberfield, 12pm – 1pm, free
Wednesday 18 January.

Theatre Sports 7 - 12 years
Fractured Fairytales—The Bad Guys vs The Good Guys. Balmain Library, 370 Darling Street Balmain, 2pm
Thursday 19 January

Extreme Filmmaking 14 – 18 years
Three hour filmmaking workshop, presented by Activate Entertainment, focusing on a variety of iPad apps. Explore cool visual effects like teleportation, and get the basics of film production. Participants will develop an original concept around the Summer Reading theme of Heroes and Villains. The finished films will be entered into the Summer Reading Challenge competitions for a chance to win great prizes! Cost: $20 + booking fee. Marrickville Town Hall, 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Thursday 19 January

Kaboom filmmaking workshop 12 – 14 years
How do things go kaboom in movies? Facilitated by Activate Entertainment, this workshop will explore how to create on-set and computer generated explosions. Participants will perform real life ʻminiʼ explosions, in addition to producing an ‘explosive’ scene. The finished films can be entered into the Summer Reading Challenge competitions for a chance to win great prizes. Cost: $20 + booking fee, Marrickville Town Hall, 10am – 12pm
Thursday 19 January

Allsorts 5 - 12 years
Paint your favourite Hero or Villain, Leichhardt Library, Piazza Level, Italian Forum, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, 3.45pm
Thursday 19 January

DIY Superhero tote bag 12 – 18 years
Taking inspiration from the Summer Reading Challenge theme, Heroes and Villains, participants can create their own super-tote bag. Learn different art forms, such as stencilling or abstract painting, or use your own super-style. Take your completed tote home to complete your super hero costume. Marrickville Library, 10.30am – 12.30pm
Thursday 19 January

Putt putt golf (after dark) 12 – 18 years
Three games of Putt Putt Golf at Ermington. Meet at Leichhardt Town Hall to catch the Council bus at 6pm. Bring dinner or money to buy dinner. 6pm - 10pm. Cost: $10. Register
Friday 20 January
Bronwyn Vaughan Presents: Turbans, Ties and Turkish Slippers 5 – 12 years
Based on stories from France, Turkey, India and Russia and told with beautiful props, puppets, sets, costumes, dance, music and song this delightful show explores the way we find individual and cultural expression through clothing. Ashfield Library, 260 Liverpool Road, 10am – 11am
Friday 20 January

Batman film screening 7 – 12 years
Watch the caped crusaders Batman and Robin battle arch villains Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin, and the Joker, in the original 1966 film. Full of with classic funny one-liners and Kapow, Bam and Biff, this is one for the whole family. Emanuel Tsardoulias Community Library, 5.15pm-7.15pm
Friday 20 January

Self-defence workshop 12 – 18 years
Learn how to block and defend yourself in this safe and fun scenario based self-defence workshop. Wear comfortable clothing. Lunch is provided. Leichhardt Town Hall, 107 Norton Street Leichhardt, 10:30am – 1:00pm. Free. Register
Monday 23 January

Melting Snowman Cupcake Decorating 12 - 18 years
Cupcake decorating skills for teens. Please be aware of any food allergies before booking this workshop. Free. Ashfield Library, 260 Liverpool Road Ashfield, 10am – 11am
Monday 23 January

Hoop yoga 12 – 18 years
Hoop yoga is a fun way of combing hula hooping with yoga. Wear comfortable clothing. 10am – 12:30pm. Cost: $30. Leichhardt Town Hall, 107 Norton Street Leichhardt. Register
Tuesday 24 January

Home-made hand lotions workshop 12 – 18 years
Create home-made hand lotions in decorative jars. Ashfield Library, 260 Liverpool Road Ashfield. Free. 10am – 11:30am
Tuesday 24 January

Kayaking 12 – 18 years
Kayak around the Sydney Opera House. Bring hat, towel, swimmers, sunscreen and lunch. Meet at Leichhardt Town Hall to catch the Council bus at 10am. Only competent swimmers can participate in this activity, 10am – 3pm. Cost: $20. Register
Wednesday 25 January

Improv Drama Workshop 5 – 12 years
A fun, interactive, improv drama workshop for kids. Ashfield Library, 260 Liverpool Road Ashfield, free. 2pm – 3:30pm.
Wednesday 25 January

Pics in the park – after dark 12 – 18 years
Aboriginal short films followed by a full length Aboriginal feature film. A free community event and part of the 2017 Yabun Festival. Registrations, bookings and consent not required for this activity. Sunset. Free. Pioneers Memorial Park, Norton Street Leichhardt. Register
Friday 27 January

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Page last updated: 03 Jun 2022