Roads and footpath forms - Inner West Council Adopt-a-Spot proposal form - Council 's Verge Garden and Adopt-a-Spot Policy and Guidelines make it possible for residents to enhance the verge next to their home. Propose and Adopt-a-Spot idea using this form. Hoarding permit application form - Apply for hoarding permits online. Road closure application form - Use this form to apply for a road closure. Road footpath or carpark occupation permit application form - Apply for road, footpath or carpark occupation permits online. Road opening permit application form - Use this form to apply for a road opening. Roadworks application form step 1 - If you are seeking approval to construct/reconstruct a vehicle crossing and/or public domain works, you will need to make the following two applications: Step 1 (design approval, including the issue of alignment levels, levels certificate, or roadworks permit) and step 2 (permit to construct). Roadworks application form step 2 - If you are seeking approval to construct/reconstruct a vehicle crossing and/or public domain works, you will need to make the following two applications: Step 1 (design approval, including the issue of alignment levels, levels certificate, or roadworks permit) and step 2 (permit to construct). Skip bin additional period application - Skip bin additional period application Skip bin permit application - Skip bin permit application Standing plant permit application form - Use this form to apply for a standing plant permit. Street party application form - Use this form to apply for a street party. Verge garden application form - Verge garden application form Work zone permit application form - Use this form to apply for a work zone permit.
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