Parking permit

Applying for a permit - before you begin

Important information for all new tenants and owners

With increasing development, there is a higher demand for on-street parking. The approval date of a residential or commercial development will determine if a property is eligible or not eligible to receive a parking permit.

To make sure parking permits are available for any proposed lease or purchase, we strongly advise all new tenants and owners in the Inner West Council area to contact Council before signing any lease or sales agreement, as Council is unable to issue parking permits if your property does not qualify after a lease or sales agreement has been signed.

The number of permits available for your property can also be clarified by contacting Council, as the number of permits is decided by each individual property and is not dependent on the number of vehicles or occupants at the residence/business.

Please note, Council cannot issue permits to properties that are not eligible, which include:

  • any additional lot created by subdivision
  • strata subdivisions
  • dual occupancies
  • multi-unit residential developments
  • boarding houses
  • multi-unit commercial or mixed developments
  • alterations and additions or changes of use that creates and additional residence or business on the original lot
  • sub-leases
  • outside a permit parking zone
  • next to or adjacent to a permit parking zone
  • have an approved driveway and off-street parking
  • non-rateable properties

Permit parking schemes

Council implements and manages permit parking schemes (PPS) in areas of high parking demand, such as areas around major commercial centres and railway stations. The aim is to ensure long-stay kerbside parking is available to eligible residents that do not have on-site parking whilst allowing short-stay parking for visitors. Most schemes apply a time limit to one or both sides of residential streets, with permits displayed on eligible residents’ vehicles to exempt them from the time limit, and from parking meter charges if these are present.

Council restricts and manages the number of permits issued to ensure they do not substantially exceed the number of parking spaces available. The following restrictions apply to most PPSs areas in the Inner West:

  • Permits are limited to one or two vehicles per household.
  • Permits are not available to residents of new developments.
  • Visitor permits are not available to residents of multi-unit developments and are restricted as per eligibility requirements shown below.

Implementation of new PPS will continue to be based on:

  • A majority of residents in a street or precinct (usually set at around 60%) requesting the scheme.
  • Where a land use or transport plan indicates that parking demand is likely to significantly increase.

It is anticipated that in the future, the main parts of the Inner West Council area that will require new PPSs are those experiencing substantial new development. In these areas, Council will either respond to requests from residents or will proactively implement new schemes through a parking study.

Check your eligibility

You can check your eligibility for a parking permit using this interactive map and search tool:

External linkCheck your eligibility here 

Residential parking permits

Proof of vehicle registration (your documents must be attached to the application)

Council only accepts a current registration certificate issued by Transport for NSW or Service NSW. The vehicle must be registered in your name and to your address. Council will accept a screenshot from Service NSW, but the documentation must show the vehicle (with registration number) is registered to your address.

To view your vehicle registration details in your Service NSW account please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Go to the MyServiceNSW Account website
  • Step 2: Log in to your Service NSW account by entering your email address and password
  • Step 3: Once you are logged in to your Service NSW account, select 'My Services'. This will display your licences and credentials
  • Step 4: Select the relevant vehicle registration details. This will display the vehicle's number plate, registered address and contact details
  • Step 5: Provide Council with a screenshot of this screen

If you have a company vehicle, you will need to provide a copy of the vehicle registration papers plus a letter from the company stating that you have sole use of the vehicle and that it is normally parked at this address.

Proof of residence (your documents must be attached to the application)

Council requires proof of residence at the address. You are required to provide one of the following documents:

  • NSW driver's licence
  • Rental agreement
  • Contract of sale
  • Rates notice
  • Utility notice – Cannot be older than 6 months (Please note the property must be a rateable property with Council, it cannot be a sub-lease)

How many residential permits can I get?

For properties that do not have off street parking the maximum number of Residential Parking Permits per property is 2 (except M3 and M14 zones)

The below table shows the typical permit allocations. Additional restrictions may apply for some streets and properties. Please contact your closest customer service centre to confirm your eligibility.

Properties located in the following suburbs will occur a fee for the second residential parking permit (please refer to Council's fees and charges for the applicable fees): Ashbury, Ashfield, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Dobroyd Point, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe

M3 and M14 – Newtown and Enmore parking zones

Parking spaces per rateable property Maximum number of permits
0 1 permit
1 0 permits (one or more vehicles registered at property)

All other parking zones

Parking spaces per rateable property Maximum number of permits
0 2 permits
1 1 permit
2 0 permits

Business parking permits

For the following suburbs: Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Rozelle, Annandale, Birchgrove, Balmain, Balmain East

Some properties are eligible for business parking permits. Please refer to Council's fees and charges for the applicable fees.

To be eligible:

  • The property must be within a parking permit zone.
  • The property must be rated as business.

Note: The number of off-street parking spaces will determine the number of permits allowed.

You must provide proof of business address:

  • ABN or CAN registration certificate that displays the business address
  • Current lease agreement (front page only, with property address displayed)
  • Rates notice

For the following suburbs: Ashbury, Ashfield, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe

Some properties are eligible for a business parking permit. Please refer to Council's fees and charges for the applicable fees.

To be eligible:

  • The property must be within a parking permit zone.
  • The property must be rated as business.
  • The property does not have any off-street parking spaces.

You must provide proof of business address:

  • ABN or CAN registration certificate that displays the business address
  • Current lease agreement (front page only, with property address displayed)
  • Rates notice

The vehicle must be registered in the name of the business and be registered to the business address for your application to be processed.

You must provide proof of current registration:

  • Certificate issued by Transport NSW or Service NSW

Please ensure the documents required are attached to the application. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted and may be returned to the applicant.

Visitor parking permits

Residents living in a permit parking area may be eligible for one or more visitor parking permits.

The following general eligibility requirements apply to all suburbs:

  • The property must be a rateable residential property.
  • The parking permit zone must have no restrictions on visitor permits being issued.
  • The property must be located within a permit parking area.
  • The property must be listed as an eligible property to receive parking permits. Check your eligibility here.

Additional information:

  • Any alterations and additions or change of use approved after June 2020 that creates an additional residence on the original lot are not eligible for visitor parking permits.
  • Council does not issue visitor permits to sub-leases.

For the following suburbs: Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Rozelle, Annandale, Birchgrove, Balmain, Balmain East

Residents located in the former Leichhardt local government area – which includes the suburbs of Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Rozelle, Annandale, Birchgrove, Balmain and Balmain East – may be eligible for one visitor parking permit per eligible property.

In addition to the general eligibility requirements listed above:

  • Dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings, subdivision into two or more lots and the strata subdivision of residential flat buildings approved after January 2001 are excluded from receiving visitor parking permits.

For the following suburbs: Ashbury, Ashfield, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe

Residents located in the former Ashfield and Marrickville local government areas – which includes the suburbs of Ashfield, Camperdown (west of Church Street and Mallett Street), Croydon, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown (west of Church Street and King Street), Petersham, Stanmore, St Peters, Sydenham and Tempe – may be eligible for up to 30 visitor scratch permits per year. Fees apply.

Visitor scratch permits are issued in a book of 10 permits, with a maximum of three books issued per eligible residential property per year.

In addition to the general eligibility requirements listed above:

  • All development involving land use changes, new commercial and/or multi-unit housing developments or where conditions of development consent approved after the year 1999 for the suburbs of Camperdown, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, Sydenham, St Peters, and Tempe are excluded from receiving visitor scratch parking permits.

Trade parking permits

For the following suburbs: Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Rozelle, Annandale, Birchgrove, Balmain, Balmain East

If you live in a parking permit zone, you may be eligible to purchase a trade permit for works being completed on your property. Trade permits are issued for a maximum of 12 weeks for development and complying related works and up to 4 weeks for quote related works (handyman, plumber, electrician). Please refer to Council's fees and charges for the applicable fee.

If work on your property extends for longer than 12 weeks, please apply for a work zone permit. If a work zone has already been approved, trade permits cannot be issued.

You can apply for a trade parking via the Council's self-service portal.

To be eligible:

  • You must provide proof of work being carried out on the property. For example, a current development application, complying development application, or a written quote.

For the following suburbs: Ashbury, Ashfield, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe

If you live in a parking permit zone, you may be eligible to purchase a trade permit for any work being completed on your property. Eligible properties can apply for up to 6 one week permits. Please refer to Council's fees and charges for the applicable fee.

If work on your property extends for longer than nominated weeks, please apply for a work zone permit. If a work zone has already been approved, trade permits cannot be issued.

You can apply for a trade parking via the Council's self-service portal.

To be eligible:

  • You must provide proof of work being carried out on the property. That is, a current quote or contract which displays the address of the property, the type of works being carried out, and how long the works will be occurring.

Personal and carer permits/support worker parking permits

Carer permits

Applies to the following suburbs ONLY: Ashbury, Ashfield, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, Lewisham, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe

A carer’s parking permit exempts a vehicle used by a carer visiting a resident from time limits and parking meter fees while the carer is providing in-home care.

The permit is issued to the resident rather than the carer. This enables residents to receive care visits from multiple carers who are not eligible for the support workers parking permit.

A carer’s parking permit may be issued to a resident who is eligible for a resident parking permit and has a letter from a recognised service provider or health professional setting out the resident's need for in-home care. A carer’s parking permit will be issued in lieu of one entitlement to a resident parking permit.

Eligible residents are entitled to one (1) transferable permit per household. The permit may only be used for the purposes of providing in-home care. The permit must be returned to the resident once the visit has ended.

The permits may only be used by carers providing care who meet the definition of carers as set out in the Carers (Recognition) Act 2010.

Support worker permits

City of Sydney offer a support worker parking permit that can be used in the City of Sydney, Randwick, and Inner West Council areas.

This permit can assist support workers in their duties and relieve them of the obligation to obtain and display multiple permits in these council areas.

Please apply via the City of Sydney website.

Motorcycle and mobility parking

Motorcycles do not require a parking permit to park in Council's parking permit restricted areas.

If you have an Australian Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) permits you are NOT required to apply for parking permits. The holders of MPS permits can park in any resident parking permit restricted areas.

After you apply for a parking permit

Once Council receives your application, the required documents, and payment (if applicable), your application will be processed. Any permits for which you have applied for will be posted within 5 business days. If you have not received your parking permit within 10 business days, please contact Council by submitting an enquiry online:

External linkParking enquiry

Please note, you may still receive a parking infringement until a valid parking permit is displayed on the vehicle. If an infringement is issued and you wish to review the fine, please contact Revenue NSW.

Changes and cancellation of parking permits

Lost or stolen permits

If the permit has been stolen or is lost, you will need to provide a statutory declaration signed and witnessed by a JP stating that the permit is no longer in your possession or provide a copy of a Police Report. You can provide this document online using the below link.

Once we have reviewed the documentation, we will notify you once the current permit is cancelled and you will then be able to apply online for the new permit

Transferring permits to a new car

If you wish to transfer your permit to a new car, with a different registration, we will need to cancel your old permit before you will be able to reapply.

Please provide proof that the vehicle is no longer in your possession (e.g proof of sale, documentation from insurance company) and Council will review the documents and cancel the current permit.

After the current permit is cancelled, you will be able to apply online for your new permit.

If you still have the current permit, you will need to return this to Council either in person or via post.

External linkChanges and cancellation enquiry

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Page last updated: 15 Jan 2025