Young Creatives Awards 2023 - Young Filmmakers
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Young Filmmaker Winner Ages 12 to 15
Title: Heart To Heart
Filmmakers: Dylan Wrenn, Kieran Cashin, Joon Denholm and Isaac Brown
Young Filmmaker Winner Ages 16 to 18
Title: The Encounter
Filmmakers: Caleb Kwan and Alex Gavrilovic
Young Filmmaker Winner Ages 19 to 24
Title: U Stay On My Mind
Filmmaker: Zoë Dubuc
Young Filmmaker Runner Up Ages 12 to 15
Title: Shielding
Filmmakers: Jessica Lafflan and Kyla Vanderkley
Young Filmmaker Runner Up Ages 16 to 18
Title: Romeo vs Juliet
Filmmakers: Niran Chaleunthong
Young Filmmaker Runner Up Ages 19 to 24
Title: Girl Coded
Filmmaker: Grace Valerie-Lynette
Young Filmmaker Runner Up Ages 19 to 24
Title: Window (of sorts)
Filmmaker: Amy Nelson
Young Filmmaker Librarian's Choice Ages 12 to 15
Title: Kin
Filmmaker: Elodie Kliendienst
Young Filmmaker Librarian's Choice Ages 16 to 18
Title: Dissolved Girl
Filmmaker: Hart Ormella
Young Filmmaker Librarian's Choice Ages 19 to 24
Title: Analogue Memories
Filmmaker: Oliver Whitehouse
Young Filmmaker Librarian's Choice Ages 19 to 24
Title: The Hottest Day On Planet Earth
Filmmaker: Ira Friedberg