National Tree Day

Sunday 28 July 2024 – Inner West Council

Inner West Council’s Urban Ecology team invites you to take part in our National Tree Day Planting event on Sunday 28 July 2024. This is an exciting opportunity to get your hands dirty, give back to the community and be part of our group effort to improve biodiversity in the Inner West!

With a widespread loss of urban bushland, combined efforts to restore midstory and understory vegetation are more important than ever. Planting native plants provides crucial habitat to native small bird species, reptiles, marsupials and mammals. To help with National Tree Day 2024, the team have selected a variety of locally sourced, endemic flora for the community to plant in the restoration area at the mouth of the Hawthorne Canal.

These species are locally native, highly diverse and are the building blocks of the floodplain forest vegetation community we are looking to re-establish for the area. These are the plants that show you what Country you are on. Expect to see and learn about all the locally native plants of the Inner West’s floodplain forests, including paperbarks, lily pilly, wattles and more!

National Tree Day 2024 will take place at the end of Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield. The National Tree Day 2024 planting site is at the top end of Richard Murden Reserve, between the Hawthorne Canal shared path and Hawthorne Parade.

A map of Haberfield showing the location of the planting in Richard Murden Reserve alongside the shared path

Hawthorne Parade and Richard Murden Reserve form part of the IWC GreenWay and leads directly to the Bay Run.

Council will provide gloves, trowels, and other tools for the planting. No experience required! You will be guided by trained experts on the day! Family friendly event – all ages welcome.

Three separate tree planting sessions will be running on the day. Please register for your preferred session time below.

For more information email

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Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024