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What's on Environment and Sustainability 

Wednesday 10 November

Happy National Recycling Week

Two laughing men standing in front of recycling truck

Great news! The Inner West has saved 67kg going to landfill per resident per year - down 33.5% in the last four years. How much more recoverable material can we prevent ending up in landfill? Approximately 3,190 tonnes of recyclable material is placed in Council garbage bins every year. That's about 15.8kg per person, not including food or garden waste. 

Here are a few ways to cut down on landfill:

Still unsure if you can recycle it or not? Email us - we love tricky waste questions. For more information about all waste and recycling services visit Council's website

Frog ID Week: Help save our frogs - 12 to 21 November 

 Frog ID App 280 X 280 

2021 Environment Award for Children's Literature shortlist

 Book cover art with a blue sky, trees and moon  

Household chemical and e-waste event - Saturday 13 November 

 Many old paint tins on top of each other

Garage Sale Trail: Two weekends of sales - 13 to 21 November  

 Garage Sale Trail

Epochs in Ecology at Whites Creek - 19 to 21 November  

  Dried native flowers hanging in a bunch

Spring Talks: Australian Native Bees - Saturday 27 November

  Blue-banded bee

Strata by-laws for better apartment living - Tuesday 30 November

  Black and white photo of a street of apartment blocks

Our Inner West 2036 - Are we on the right track? Have your say 

  People picnicing in a park in the afternoon

Instagram Spring photo call out - closing soon

  Corella eating bottle brush
What's on
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Your say inner west

Development and projects that shape the future of the Inner West can have a lasting effect on the environment. Get involved and have your say on the issues that matter to you.

Submit a new event

Complete our online form to submit a local community event on our What’s on page.

Inner West Council


02 9392 5000



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