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What's on Environment and Sustainability 

14 Mar 2025

Bushcare working bees restarting

Back of person surrounded by bush 
Good news for those of you who would like to volunteer at Inner West's bushcare sites - Bushcare volunteer working bees are restarting with measures in place to ensure volunteer and staff safety.  

Contact Council to get involved in building and protecting habitat for native wildlife. Gain skills such as native plant identification and weed control techniques.

You can also volunteer on a number of biodiversity projects in the Inner West. Why not join a local bird watching group, clean up plastic on the Cooks River or take part in one of Council’s Citizen Science activities and monitor wildlife?

Free Solar and Battery online webinar until 21 June

Rooftop with yellow hand-drawn sun

Free Home Insulation Guide and advice available 

Man putting insulation in roof

Community Recycling Centres open on weekends

Man in high vis vest in front of recycling collection

Weekend Transfer Station open at Leichhardt

A pile of old computers and monitors

Be River Aware and protect our waterways from pollution

Artwork showing a woman with a mower and the words Become River Aware Cover it up

Builders and renovators - Get the Site Right

Building site with fence around it

Food packaging waste features at Newtown ArtSeat

Kelly Wallwork ArtSeat 280 x 280

Join the Birds in Backyards Winter Survey 

Artwork of bird sitting on a branch with yellow background and words: Birds in Backyards Winter Survey
What's on
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Your say inner west

Development and projects that shape the future of the Inner West can have a lasting effect on the environment. Get involved and have your say on the issues that matter to you.

Submit a new event

Complete our online form to submit a local community event on our What’s on page.

Inner West Council


02 9392 5000



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