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What's on Environment and sustainability 

22 Feb 2025

Celebrating Biodiversity in the Inner West

Black faced bird sitting on tree stump with trees and sky behind 

The Inner West has many natural areas to visit - parks, rivers, and wetlands. They are an important refuge for wildlife, including threatened species and animals displaced by bushfire and drought.

Council’s Bushcare teams work hard to maintain the Inner West's 20 hectares of natural areas, ensuring a healthier future for humans and wildlife and providing benefits to everyone, such as cleaner air, a buffer to noise pollution, opportunities to see wildlife, the calming effects of nature and space for kids to explore.  

You can help conserve our wildlife by becoming a citizen scientist monitoring birds in your backyard and creating habitat havens to encourage birds and skinks into your garden.

Become a composter of the Inner West

Woman in suit stands next to a backyard compost bin

Recycling tips when you're staying at home

Woman putting recycling into a yellow-lidded bin

Avoid Bill Shock - Access free energy advice online

Woman using a phone, with man and child in background reading a book

Green Roofs, Walls and Facades Technical Guidelines available

Green wall of plants

Sydney Water Community Grants open until Fri, 29 May


Walking and Cycling routes in the Inner West

walking cycling running 280 x 280

Time for Nature on World Environment Day Fri, 5 June

Yellow square with black circle and words Time for Nature

Community Building Partnership Grants open until Fri, 12 June

Rooftop solar panels
What's on
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Your say inner west

Development and projects that shape the future of the Inner West can have a lasting effect on the environment. Get involved and have your say on the issues that matter to you.

Submit a new event

Complete our online form to submit a local community event on our What’s on page.

Inner West Council


02 9392 5000



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